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June 13, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

 Back on the Web

When I first decided to go to my house in France early on in the year my expectations were very high. This trip would last ten weeks, enough time to get the photographs I wanted and indeed expected.

However things often conspire to bring you back down to earth and it’s usually the things you can’t control. Weather is its’ own master.  Sometimes you can chase the good weather, but when most of France is under water there’s not much point.

When I did get the good weather I had work to do on the house (Still that’s life).

All was not lost as I did manage to get a few shots that I was after, some in good weather, some in bad. So some are ok others are not.

One of the photographs I wanted was a Western whip snake.


Western whip snake Hierophis viridflavus

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